About The Artist

Artist: Barbara J. Demers 

As an artist who thrives in the realm of creativity, Barbara has cultivated a lifelong passion for expressing herself through various mediums. From the vibrant strokes of a paintbrush to the intricate stitches of a quilt, she embraces the full spectrum of artistic expression. With over 45 years of experience in the arts, Barbara has honed her skills and developed a deep understanding of the creative process. Since she began her journey, she has dedicated herself to exploring, experimenting, and pushing the boundaries of her craft. Barbara invites you to join her on a journey of imagination, innovation, and inspiration.



Have you ever felt the urge to create something new and exciting? For me, the journey into the world of painting began in 2018. It all started with a simple desire to try something different and unleash their creativity in a unique way.

What sparked the passion for painting?

My love for farm animals, particularly pigs, cows, and sheep, served as the initial inspiration for my artistic endeavors. The idea of capturing the essence and beauty of these animals on canvas fueled my passion for painting.

How did the journey begin?

With a specific vision in mind to create a cow art piece, I took the leap into the world of painting. Armed with a blank canvas and a set of vibrant colors, I  embarked on my painting journey with enthusiasm and determination.

What was the first painting experience like?

As the brush touched the canvas for the first time, a sense of excitement and fulfillment washed over me. The process of bringing my vision to life through painting was both exhilarating and addictive. From that moment on, I was hooked on the art of painting.